Business Assistant
Business Assistant.iso
Text File
745 lines
<P14B>Changes &<P24>
04/15/90 Version 1.2 Release
04/29/90 Hot Key (Ctrl N) to add a new customer while in the POS
invoicing routine (select customer browse)
04/30/90 Auto Find while in a non-editing (select only) browse
04/30/90 Pop-Up Ship To Address Selection while in POS invoice final
04/30/90 SHIPTOS database added to POS and AR
04/30/90 Maintenance Routine for SHIPTOS in MAINT option of AR
04/30/90 SHIPTOS index added to DAYO Index
04/30/90 Indexkey for customer phone index (CUSTPHON.NTX) changed
to be indexed on the right 4 digits in all modules accessing the CUSTOMER.DBF
05/01/90 Work Orders option & config added to DAYO POS Standard,
Laser, or Preprinted
05/02/90 Class field added to the Invoice & Customer databases for
use with GL. Added to Customer.dbf, Shiptos.dbf, Invoice.dbf, and
05/03/90 Add Inventory items while in Item selection of POS during
invoicing (press Ctrl N)
05/06/90 Pop-Up item/customer history while item selecting in POS
and QUOTES (Press F10)
05/07/90 Add comments to work order, and creation of the WO_NOTES.DBF
05/08/90 WO Notes maintenance routine added to AR
05/08/90 Will not invoice when ACTIVE=.T. in CUSTOMER.DBF
05/08/90 Multiple Shiptos added to BO Allocation
05/13/90 Added/Insured that the CLASS field was contained in the
RECEIPTS.DBF. *** The CLASS field determines the GL account that will
receive this transaction
05/13/90 Added a General Ledger related field (TRANSACT) to the databases:
APD.DBF This field is updated by the GL Post
05/18/90 Added a Warehouse Adjustments routine to Inventory Press
Shift F2 to activate the routine
05/19/90 Added a Warehouse Adjustments report to Smart Reports
05/21/90 Added Notes to Quotes (similar to Work Order Notes)
05/23/90 Added a new error handling routine to all DAYO modules.
Errors are recorded in the current directory in a file named 'DAYOERR.TXT'
05/24/90 DAYO MENU changed to allow for more selections MENU.BAT
also changed to reflect the changes made to DAYOMENU.EXE
05/24/90 AR POST will not post invoices with the TYPEs of 'VOD',
'EXC', or 'QUO' into ARH.DBF/ARD.DBF
05/24/90 Changed the way AR posts invoices Now, all invoices are
posted into ARH.DBF/ARD.DBF after they are printed (PRINTED=.T.)
05/24/90 Changed the way that ARPOST resets the customer amount/balance
due. It now totals all open ARH.DBF records, and open INVOICE.DBF
05/24/90 ARPOST now resets the SUBTOTAL, TAXES, FREIGHT, ADJUST fields
to zero if the record is posted to ARH.DBF and has backorders!
05/24/90 AR Statements now accesses databases ARH.DBF & ARD.DBF
05/25/90 Added a routine to optionally post Returns/Refunds back
into inventory upon the creation of an invoice with the type of 'Ref'
or 'Ret'. It is accessed in the Configuration Menu.
05/29/90 Can print to a disk file if printer off-line or missing...
Part of the new error handling routine
05/30/90 The 'Attention' field (ATTN) is now printed on the quote,
beside the telephone number
06/02/90 Limited release of General Ledger
06/04/90 Work Order Phrase Configuration option added
06/04/90 Multiple Shiptos Selection Box enlarged in POS, AR, and
06/05/90 POS Final Edit Selection Boxes now blink to enable mono
screen/color monitors to determine what was being highlighted
06/06/90 GL Chart of Accounts report (COA.FRM) changed to skip a
space before and after any account number that ends with '000000',
ie: 12001-000000
06/08/90 Added SHIP TO name and address fields to the PO Header database:
POH.DBF. If filled in (not empty) it will be printed onto the Purchase
Order as the SHIP TO (ie: Direct Shipments)
06/10/90 The error file (DAYOERR.TXT) is erased once/if it reaches
the size of 32000 bytes.
06/10/90 Hot Key (Ctrl N) to add a new customer while in the Quotes
(select Customer) routine. Turns on/off with a configurations setting
06/13/90 Limited release of Materials Requirement Planning DAYO MRP
06/14/90 Added an option to view reports on screen to Smart Reports
06/14/90 Updated DAYO Index to index the GL indexes
06/14/90 Added configuration settings for location of General Ledger
(GL) and Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) databases to Smart Reports.
06/15/90 Added an option to view reports on screen to GL
06/15/90 Added an configuration option to save purged/packed GL transaction
records to database GLHIST.DBF
06/17/90 Updated DAYO Index to index the MRP indexes
06/18/90 DAYO Database Look Up release
06/18/90 Stocklevel and BackOrder displayed added to the inventory
browse in DAYO Inventory
06/18/90 Stocklevel will blink if it is less than the onhand value
(in the inventory browse in DAYO Inventory)
06/19/90 Average and Real Cost fields (AVGCOST & REALCOST) added
to the inventory database
06/20/90 Updated the setup program (SETUP.EXE) to look for all the
new modules
06/21/90 Added a new cost field (COSTADJ) to the database REC.DBF
that will be used in the computation of Real Costs
06/23/90 Added new routines for costing items. Added to the Inventory
browse of DAYO Inventory (Ctrl F10)
06/24/90 Added a printer driver/setup routine to all modules that
have reports
06/27/90 Added the option to select 1 of 4 indexes when printing
the Customer Expanded Report in the reports menu of DAYO AR
06/29/90 The OPEN field in the PO Header record is now set to true
(.T.) when initially created
07/02/90 ALLOCATED field added to the inventory to contain the number
of qty for work orders. To activate the allocation of work orders,
select Y (Yes) at the 'Allocate WorkOrders' option in the Configuration
07/02/90 Default Invoice/Work Order Comment option added to Configurations
07/02/90 Option to edit the description and cost for an item at the
time it is added to an invoice or work order
07/06/90 Routine added to Hand Check in DAYO AP to allow for multiple
GL postings
07/07/90 Routine added to DAYO GL Transactions to allow for multiple
GL postings
07/08/90 Option added to the MRP BOM Costing Report (for All) that
allows you to update the cost field in the inventory with the computed
BOM cost
07/08/90 Configuration option added to DAYO Inventory that (if set
to True/Yes) will take the cost entered at the time of receipt (in
the RECEIVE Routine) and place it into the COST field in the inventory
database (INV.DBF)
07/09/90 Limited Release of DAYO Payroll
07/11/90 Version 1.3 Release
07/11/90 6 registers (records) added to POS & BO to record 'who'
has a register open...
07/11/90 Option to not use registers in DAYO POS & BO
07/12/90 DAYO BO allocation process totally changed! The process
now updates the FILLED quantity field with onhand quantity from the
inventory database. Invoices and/or work orders can then be printed
from DAYO BO based on the quantity in the FILLED field
07/15/90 DAYO AR customer balance reset function changed to to at
only the AR Header records and the Unapplied amount in the Cash RECEIPTS
07/18/90 Added the option to print the RETAIL or PRICE price value
(from the inventory file) onto a standard invoice (from DAYO POS &
07/18/90 Added option to display the Warehouse fields (1-7) onto
the screen where the calendar is (for DAYO Inventory browse only)
07/18/90 Can now add new/unique Ship To name when invoicing in DAYO
07/19/90 Added a PULL SHEET (new) report to DAYO Smart Reports. Works
only on a laser printer!
07/19/90 Changed the POS graphs to get the sales data from the posted
invoices in ARH.DBF
07/19/90 Changed the default item number from being blank to be the
next one when doing t